Mobile Phlebotomy Services

in Los Angeles, Orange County,

& the Inland Empire

Serving Southern California for over 21 years
Licensed and Insured

"The preferred choice for "Home Blood Draw" services of healthcare providers in Los Angeles County, Orange County, and the Inland Empire"

MPS is the best

Founded in 1997 with provision of the best in hands-on patient care through close, effective communication with physicians, nurses, pharmacists, technicians and service providers as it's cornerstone, MPS provides the best service in mobile blood draw services to Los Angeles County, Orange County and the Inland Empire for 21 years.

We bring the best to you

We realize that you have a number of options when contacting a phlebotomy service; For yours and the patient's safety and peace of mind make sure that BOTH the service and the techs are licensed, insured and certified.


 Whether the required service is home health, long-term care, assisted living or in-home care/hospice; MPS' licensed, insured and certified (technicians) techs arrive on time, providing patients with a level of emotional support and care, providing quick and efficient professional blood draw services that are Simply the Best. With over ninety years of combined experience in Orange County, Los Angeles County and The Inland Empire - MPS administrative staff and technicians bring the best to you in client services and patient care.